lady with the lamp
lady with the lamp
am i --
like florence nightingale --
the original mother of mercy
sailing thru the night
skulking from room to room,
witness to unspoken pain,
silent moans in the darkness
fluttering among the dying
the newly born, and
a sea of sick bowels
it is i, lady with the lamp,
who stroke your brow,
hold your hand
while a feverish waking nightmare
threatens to swallow you whole
it is i, lady with the lamp,
who soothes you with the sound
of my calm and gentle voice
and my needle -- sweet morpheus
and, in the tiny precious moments
that seem as endless and painful as eternity
i, lady with the lamp,
feel complete awe at the entity of 'You'
i, lady with the lamp,
receive your tangible gifts --
sweet and bountiful --
given with touching grace
no greater gift could i savour
than knowing your comfort, peace, dignity
remain intact - unbruised -
after your battle with the illness demon
how privileged am i
for i have walked into your heart
and seen you there
raw, unformed, unfiltered
truly, you are
most amazing --
of body mind spirit
a mysterious wonder
do you know?
that you have given me,
lady with the lamp,
more than i could ever give you?