revisting CNN
ok. see that? it's roxanne, AND velvet - yeah both of us - eating crow. yeah, crow. ok. so ... that guy who calls himself 'le petit loup' ... that wolf i absolutely love to pieces? yeah - him. he makes me watch CNN. ugh. and, well, its starting to grow on me. its not the ultra-biased slant i recall from approximately a year ago. i must say, i'm impressed. yeah - lupin and i - we are real losers. don't watch 'normal' telly. nope. don't watch house, or er, or scrubs, or desperate housewives, or whatever dribble the networks try to sell north americans. nope. news. documentaries. more news. more documentaries. my favourite thing to do is watch all three news networks - CNN, BBC, CBC - and then compare and related coverage to culture.
yes, clearly ... we need to get out more. HA HA HA. perhaps this is what empty-nesters do?
ok. so. i'm watching CNN on mute and listening to supertramp's restrospectacle. of course, i'm smokin' ... :D. anyway ... CNN airs some alleged tape of a suicide bombing as it happens. somewhere out in the desert. eerie. really. coz, y'know what? it really reminded me of listening to the old testament bible readings in church and hearing the story of how god asked abraham to sacrifice his son isaac, as a test to see if abraham was faithful enough to obey god. i remembered thinking, as a child, how barbaric. and that's what i think now. reflecting on this suicide bombing that my eyes saw, as my ears listened to the logical song. its really true, then. we are them. they are us. call it a different name. but, those are the facts. heck, even the pope stepped into the shit pile now!
so ... me thinks ... that ...
putting the future of the world
in the hands of
religion and
politico-religious leaders
is like getting your palm
read by a vampire.
Labels: cynicism, politics, rants, reality, religion, religious wars
I didn't realize that you have had your palm read by a vampire. Maybe you could tell about it in your next post. :)
Hope you have a nice weekend.
Posted by
Gary |
15/9/06 16:43
oooh yes ... i still have the cuts on my hands and arms and neck to prove it ... :D
Posted by
velvet acid tongue |
15/9/06 22:29