to all drivers
here are a few things u should know:
1. at an intersection, the stopping point is not only before the intersection, but also BEFORE the pedestrian crosswalk, not in the middle of or after the crosswalk - us pedestrians r not 2 keen on walking behind your car and sucking in all those nice exhaust fumes!!!
2. vehicles are equipped with signal lights because we are ALL supposed to be using them to signal lane changes and turns - ALL the time, not just when the fancy strikes us!!
3. the passing lane is just that, a lane for passing . . . it is not a lane u plant yourself in if you are driving all the way to timbucktou - for heavens sake, keep your sorry piece of motorized metal to the right, so others can pass if they want 2!!
4. if u can’t follow these guidelines, then for heaven’s sake take the bus or support your local cabbie . . .STAY OFF THE ROAD!!!