i just hAFta ask .... REVISED
- is condi under the influence of some powerful hallucinogen? is the entire current US administration?
- can someone tell me how, exactly, 36 children posed a security threat to israel? and wtf was israel thinking ... killing them????
- what is with this hate fest we got goin' on here? does insulting your opponent, calling them stupid or evil, make you feel like your penis is three sizes bigger, or what?!!! am i the only one that is SICK and TIRED of reading this drIBble?
- wtf was israel thinking, bombing a UN observer post?
- how does an airport and an electrical power plant pose a security threat to israel?
- how many lebanese are worth 2 israeli soldiers?
- why is it terrorism when saddam attacks kuwait, but its 'self defence' when israel attacks lebanon?
- what the hell have those jokers (that call them selves world leaders) been doing these past several years? why-the-f*ck is osama bin laden STILL at large?
- what is israel hiding? why won't it let the UN partake in its investigation of the outpost bombing? is it so they won't have witnesses when they whitewash it and make it go away?
- if one or more of those UN observers had been american, would the wording of the UN resolution been stronger?
- will dubya, blair, and anyone who thinks these apes are 'handling the situation' ... will these people EVER get their heads OUTTA their asses?
- why are there such different presentations and level of detail provided in the news casts, depending on whether i watch CNN, CBC or BBC?
- can someone tell me why a herbicide resistant canola seed that is sterile poses a contamination risk to the food chain? has there ever been a documented case of illness or death?
many of these questions
are unpopular ...
and you may not
even think they are
the right questions
to ask
but ...
i just hafta ask
them anyway